Wednesday, June 16

6am in Manila

Gosh I really did not imagine this happenin to me...workin at 2am til 10am, really Iam beginning to feel that I don't have a life...imagine Iam sleepin the whole day...and after I wake up sometimes late in the afternoon or early evening I just eat and do some sort of things related of course to work, I just sleep a while again and before I know on my way to work....

Yesterday I was chatting with my good frend and chatmate madcatz at yahoo...and I was tellin him how lonely Iam and how sad Iam with this set up but I just dont know how to get out and quit.

My itenerary for the day? I was planning to go to glorietta later after work today...Iam thinking of what gift to give to my sweety of course...Iam thinking if I'll do it later or do it on my day off this Thursday or Friday...

I cant think really at the moment my puppy named Kobe is sick and havent been eating since last night might take him to the vet this morning when I come home from work.
This friday my close friends at work are thinkin if we'll have a gimmick friday I guess I have to really have fun and be merry and drunk (heheh) and just have a life...

I wish..I have a life when Iam on this new campaign.....calling starts monday I hope to enjoy it...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kobe is my dog lea....heheh...japanese spitz...only a month old ..he's better now/okay